seperti yg dijanjikan..episode drama miri pn besambung..episode 2 ...hehe
jus nk recap befor korg get confuse smbungan on our second day at miri...start doing the preparation for the wedding........
then ktrg tunggu k.atie@ baby future SIL to pick us from the hotel to her house around 2 pm lebey gk la....the program is to mengandam die by mak baby...while baby n me akan meng'inai' k.atie utk tgn dan kaki usual la kan.keje aku kalo kenduri kaween..huhu...memula nak pkai inai serbuk, but aku xsuke cos bab2 inai ne memg aku tradisional ckt, must use the original henna leaves instead of the powder.nak puas kan ati sume org, test gak la kt dayang-dayak (our title as bese kan people cal dayang2, tp dh kat s'wak neh, jd la dayang-dayak..hahahah) neh nye jari, tgk afte 1 hour merah or not kan.
blk hotel, mandi trus cos badan aku dh panas gile, then dinner trus cos dh lapa tahap tetinggi dlm sejarah peradaban dunia time tu..hahahaha..lps mkn, ktrg siap kan hantaran dari pihak laki plak..msk kn telo dlm cucuk bunga telo tu, hias2 yg len gak..n wat inai utk along baby plak...then trus tdo..memg 2nd nite neh tdo dh ok ckt, cos aku dh overdose ubat selsema.supose mkn 1 tablet daily, tp xbace nye psl, dh aku telan 2..hahahahahha..hasil nye, esk tu bngun dh kurang hingus yg meleleh, tapiiiii....suara totally dh serak gile..ckp pn sekse...xkesah la kan..janji dh xperlu bwk tisu kehulur hilir lg...hehehehe....
pepg ahad tu, sume dh siap santek2, kne tnggu la utk org pick up ktrg dr hotel smntara tnggu tu, smpat gk la layan UNO card lg smbil bebaju kurung n gaya nk g kenduri kawen dh...hahhahahha
then ktrg g dewan tnggu utk dierg nikah n dgn sklai lafaz, sah lah..i pronounce u husband n wife...then trus dierg salin baju utk sanding n makan2 time...abes sanding2 nh, siap2 utk cek-out hotel n it is ronggeng time la ape lg...hahahhaha....
cukup setle kn pesanan2 yg d terime, mase utk pose2 la plak kan....fes we all g, the grand old lady or museum petroleum srawak..sgt bes cos view die nmpk town miri n angin die kuat n sejuk kotttt...pastu, ingat nk g crocodile farm, sesat gk ckt cos knpius peta ngn signboard..las2 dh jumpe, bole ttp la kn for maintainance.. kecewa aku..huhu...
so patah la blk cos mase sewa dh nak abes, 3jam ktrg sewa tau..smpat a bli kfc utk dinner kt airpot nant...nak jalan tmpt len cm pyh cos huja lebat gile 2 ari we all kt sane leceh la kan..las2 ktrg lepak airport sementara tnggu nk flight blk mlm tu 955pm...balik ktrg sume 1 flight, except mak, along n SIL baby tu, dierg blk isnin dok kt airpot, ape lg, men la UNO card tu..hahahhaa....dpt je nek flight sume pengsan tdo, nasib flight smooth je mlm tu..smpai lcct dlm 12 cm big bro n SIL wit si botak lutfy dtg jmpt...
sgt la penat trip neh cos demam kannn..penat layan hidung n badan yg xslesa...but ok la, for the fes time experience g miri.....nice place but need to consider the weather first..huhuhu
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