wow...2011 is here excited ke aku ngn taun bru?? cm xbape je rse since sume dh kecoh2 lyn kn je as usual la kn..before nk berazam konon nye utk tis new year, kne la recap lu kan aktivities 2010.....
1-me had finish my mba..afte a year n a half, struggling juggling wat so ever, now im officially finish my mba..eventhough wit not so flying colours kn..huhu...but still can b proud of la kan...hehehe...
2-byk yang aku blaja in tis year...dgn macam2 ragam org nye..bese la, rmbut same itam, ati lain2 kann..but actually, nowadays xble gune dh proverb neh kann...cos sume org rmbut dh macam2 color come nk ckp same itam lg??? hahahhhaha...but it make me more strong and learn more about life....
3-officially me also dh nek pangkat jadi auntie bella..yeayyy! my bro n SIL dh dpt baby, muhammad bru a month lebey..ssgt la cumeyy cm anti die..ehhh?? anak sape neh..wakakakka...then my siste also got a baby boy... ____zafran...tmpat kosong tu as for name depan die aku xingat..hahahaah..sanggeh sgt pn..huhhuhuhu....xkesah la kn..yg penting anti sgt both of u boyss!
4-then early year aritu, myself accident motor kat section 7..gara2 nk g lepak pak li nye psl n kete sawi hijau yg brek2, xsure nk msk smpang...tensen aku..robek gak la hati...hahahhaha..motep?! bibir bawah pecah...luke2 kt lengan kiri till jari...which msih ade parut lg kt jari antu aku..damn! nant nak amik pic cincin kawen, huduh la..hadoyyy..kne edit lebey! nak kawen dh ke??? keje pn xdpt lg...huuaaaaa...
5-then tis year also me n my gals begin our cuti2 activities..fes we went to pangkor island in june...the trip was superb..sgt la berpuas ati..walopn 2 ari enjoy gle cos memg fun dpt mandi2 laut, mand pool, n layan boat trip yg gile! hahahahaha....then bru2 neh, ktrg g penang...yg ne xbrape bes..cos jln kt town die agak fail ktrg dh decie no more holidays in town cm ne..x relax mane pn..stress lg ade..hahahahah
6-then ramai gk my frenss kawen taun neh...nik&pah, k.intan&a.akim, k.wa&hubby, nadya&ali imran, k.cik&hubby, k.sarah&a.airel, samba&wife....owh yg peting, my big bro also kawen 2010 neh..february list bru pasan, byk gak weding aku attend las year..huhu...bes g member2 kawen neh, cos nant mest jd ala2 reunion kan...hehehehe
7-hurmmmm tu je kot yg nak share..hehehhee..len2 xyah la...biarlah men jadi kenangan 2010 ku..huhu..poyo x statement..wakakakaka....n for 2011..wish list aku xde la ape pn...big thing skng, NAK DAPAT KAN KEJE! puass gile dh dok umah neh..resume dh melambak aku anta...hurmmm...pyh gk la akn dpt maste mude sgt..dh org cm xcaya xpe, stil berdoa lg utk dpt keje yg gooooood! hehehhe
then, taun neh nye plan cuti2 wit my gals is either tioman island or universal studio singapore...or maybe both???! hahahaha...mampu? keje pn xdpt lg neh...sengkek aku cm opening cuti2 will be miri in nex 2 weeks..actually my bff, baby nye brother ktrg sume g skali ngn pakej cuti2 la kn...hehehe..smbil menyelam, minum air la kate kan..pahal rajin aku ber'poverb' neh..hahahaahaha...
n lastly, jus doa utk having better life, better health,and better financial condition materialistic x bunyi la duit kan penting utk hidup..but jgn lupe gak yg duit xbole beli sume mende...cos, ha ni ayat mama sebut a few days back "duit ne, die datang dgn syaitan..tu yg manusia akan jd leka bile byk duit!!!" cm ngeri pn as for me, duit penting, life yg selesa n full wit love also penting...kalo duit je byk tp hati x tenang xgune gk kn...
eh cm cerekarama kt tv3 td je...lepaskan aku kot tajuk die..aaron aziz, nasha, iera syazira n cat farish....laki jd kaya cos jual dadah, bini lari cos xmo subahat...las2 aaron mati..sedey jap aku..hahahah....motep! ni apekes msk cite cerekarama neh..hadooyyy
ok2..back to the title, hope 2011 give me more happiness n joy! owhhh by the way taun neh taun rabbit, which are my Mr.Luck, lai lai lai...come to momma...hehehehehe...adiousss..
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