haaaa...las wek aku g pangkor....yeay..trip 2 days one nite je..wit my gals, linda, iman n k.fie..plan dh lame, cos dierg sume dh bkeje, so bole la nk wat c0ti2 bgai aku adalah tukang plan n so on...
so pg sbtu tu ktrg drive smpai lumut, pepg dh kua tau..bekpes kt 13 lu..then smpai jety lumut around kol 12 lbh..tnggu org hotel yg ktrg dh deal tu n nek la fery..lmbt gk nek cos kne tnggu ada family dr mane tah yg same akn dok hotel ngn ktrg..lembab ye..skt je ati..dh la smpai bole wt muke poyo blagak...kecoh smpai2 je trus cek in hote...ktrg dok kt coral beach resort..apartment 2 ok la kn..ptg tu fes xtvt ofcos la mandi laut!!!! ni yg paling xsaba skali..hahahaa..sume dgn bngge nye berendam..ale2 ujan renyai kne la naik...dh nek, lapa lak kn, since x lunch lg..mkn burger tepi pntai...ok lo..dh name pn trip budget mkn pn xble la mewah2 sgt..h0h0hh0..abes mkn blk resort utk mand n siap2, mlm ade bbq..ktrg join mkn je.hahahhaahaha...lps bbq awal lg nk blk bilik utk holidays trip kn, so ktrg amik van utk trip pangkor dpt tgk view die wktu mlm..penat ye..walopn byk nye dok dlm va je pdhal kn..cos dh penat dr siang kn...hehehe
esok nye, ahad, ktrg pn pepg lg trun bekpes sume, then dh blur..xtau nk wtpe...cos kol12 dh nk kne dok kt dpn hotel pk nk wtpe..nk mandi tgh renyai2 lak las skali, 'boat trip jom'..renyai pn dh slow ktrg pn slin bju sume n g join boat memg terbaek kn..ombak kuat, so nek boat memg cm horor ye...dak bwk boat ni pn lyn ngarut siap corner lap..adoy, cm nk putus nafas d wt sume tegelak2..hahahaha..nk snorklng xble gk cos ombak kuat..cuak gk la pusing2 n benti mand kt coral island..memg besih la pntai die..pulau kecik kn...mand2 ctu then nek boat blk ke pntai..baes trip sume muke puas...bru btol nek blk, mand kms brg n cek-out..b4 g jetty ade trip round pangkor yg dh temsk dlm package h la tmpt2 sjrah kt pngkor ni n bli2 ikn2 stng gule tu utk souvenier...
pose2 sume smpai la kt jety..memg rmai cos ahad kn..msk je feryy, sume pale dh lentok..hahahaha..tibe kt lumut, amik kete, time for lunch..cos dh lapa nek boat rempit tu...hahahaha....lyn mc d kt manjong n trus drive blk s.alm linda bwk lak..dh pegi take turn la kn..smpe umh, tepat kol 9..huh, dpt tgk mentor final...hehehe..n esok nye aku stat cls...sem 3, which are my las sem..hope everythng goes fine..gud luck for me...
n to my gals bff, anti, b, iman, k.fie...tenkiu for the trips n nex big trip tnggu sy keje ek..meanwhile for now, jus small trip..hehehe..small ke???? jeng jeng jeng....
1 comment:
nice trip
love it
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