suddenly tringat kat life zaman degree kt uitm kbm...bes nye...even asgmnt byk, tp still bole curi mase utk lyn movie, bwling, soping..lepak2...skng??? hurmmmm.....
then dlu clas mate sume bes2, 1 kepale...kalo lepak mest meriah je...
1cls sume msk air..hahahah...smngat aku nk g cls ari2...
then dok umah sewa, so nk kua g mane , kol bape xde sape nk bsng..hahahahaha
mis bilik aku kt umh sewa dlu...matahari dh nek pn, tetap glap, cos xde tngkap ke lua..huhu
so memg wekend tdo xingat pnye..kehkehkeh..dpt plak romate cm iman, yg memg tdo tu 1 kewajipan..
n the best of all, aku ade 3 org buddies yg sgt bes..iman, mak n syira....
kitrg memg pakej, asgmt sume 1 grop, mkn mest g skali, n yg pntng :
ko cri psl ngn sorg, lg 3 mest tlg serang..hahahhaaha..especially mak@k.lia....
memg pntng die kalo org cri psl ngn ktrg...huhu....mak la kt kn....
ngn dierg memg sejati..susah senang memg besame..ape jd kt sorg sume wajib tau!
yg penting, xpenah sentap wit each other..hehehe..ckp la pape pn..
dats what frens are for rite..
understand and trust!
arrghhhh..bile la nk dpt jmpe sume blk cm dlu..pyh dh...las jmpe sume time konvo degree aritu je
tu pn kejap je la smpat la pose2 bgai..huhu
...i wish i could be there again...
alah...windu gile kot zaman KBM...rindu bell!!!
rindu jugaaakkkk..mis gle zmn degree..rse nye, ni zmn pling bes skali......
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